
Living in Color: Post Abortion Recovery

by | Jan 19, 2016 | Events | 1 comment

Women who have experienced abortion are often left with emotional scars.

We offer a 10 week post abortion recovery study that allows them to process these emotions and experience a deeper healing. Clients are given a safe place to conquer this journey with an instructor who offers emotional support.

The main goals of the journey include; helping women to: Process their grief, Understand the emotional responses resulting from that grief, “Know” their child in order to say “goodbye for now”, Learning to move past their grief by finding life lessons through their journey, Find a new life of color, freedom, and joy.

Studies show that 50{4a4863aaa9a85b4374c390552b865ecfe95469eb424be2f64ca920704733d647} of abortive women express negative feelings, and up to 10{4a4863aaa9a85b4374c390552b865ecfe95469eb424be2f64ca920704733d647} are classified as having developed “serious psychiatric complications”… but there is hope.

Sign up for the next class right here:

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